No More Postponing Your Life, You Deserve Better

This is the big moment, girl. That point in the movie where the hero (that’s you!) realizes how to fix her problem. She’s met that person that gives her the info, the secret, the code, or the top secret file to help push past her obstacle to get to the happy ending. 

Don’t keep putting yourself last. I’ve done that and it’s the worst. 

You deserve good things in life. You are worthy of everything that you want. You just have to remember what makes you tick and where you want to go. 

You have to push past the annoying boss, the kids’ soccer practice carpool, the frenemy who makes you feel bad about how you look, the relationship that might no longer be aligned with what you want, the parent you can never seem to please, the drama, the gossip, and the petty nonsense that buries who you are truly meant to be! 

Enough is enough! 

It’s time to put you first. You deserve to create a life you love. 

Let’s start on this journey together to discover the version of you that was lost, or that you never let come out in the first place. She’s there, just waiting for you to introduce her to the world. Is she coming out to play and live the heck out of her amazing life? Or is she doomed to say, “what if?”

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